Joseph Dendurent Biography

Joseph Dendurent, born September 13, 1824

Joseph learned [to read?] English after he was seventy by comparing his French Bible with the English Bible. William L. Urban observes that this would support the view that Joseph was born in French Canada rather than in Newfoundland.


See "The Dandurand--Dendurent Family History" by William L. Urban for biographical information about Joseph.

He was supposed to be a twin. Married about 1850 to Maria Arborgas, a Shawnee-Delaware Indian living in Christian County, Missouri. She died in 1857, leaving him with three children. Joseph moved to northwest Missouri in 1867, about the time he married Emma B. - William L. Urban.<

"... in his twentieth year entered the employ of the Hudson's Bay Fur Company, and continued in the employ of this company for a number of years. He subsequently resided in various States and Territories of the United States, and in the fall of 1857, became a resident of Kansas, locating at Valley Falls. In 1878, the family removed to Hamlin, Brown County, where they have ever since resided. Mr. Dendurent, Sr., relates many graphic tales of the early days of Kansas and the great Northwest." Cutler, W.G., "History of Kansas," Chicago, Andreas, 1883.

Death date in Brown County World. Kansas Gen Web Archives shows he died of heart failure on Poor Farm, Brown County.