Murnice K. Warner Hamilton Autobiography

Murnice K. Warner, born May 16, 1933

In July, 1937, our family (father, mother, my 13-year-old half-brother, Carl Abraham, and I) moved to southern California. Shortly after my father and mother were married, Carl was adopted by Merwin. Carl was greatly loved by our dad and I was proud of my big brother. Times were rather lean following the depression years leading up to World War II.

Life in our family changed a lot during this period of time, and the Dendurent family scattered to the four winds. In southern California, we entered into the good life on an orange ranch at the foot of beautiful mountains in Glendora, then we moved on to Whittier. We often enjoyed get-togethers with Aunt Madeline and her family, who had moved earlier to Long Beach, California.

When I was in the 3rd grade, World War II was in full swing and Carl joined the Navy. Uncle HOD was in the Army, as was my uncle Keith Warner. In 4th grade, it was my job to help sell savings stamps that could become Savings Bonds to help the war effort. We also collected aluminum pots and pans and experienced black outs and air raid alerts. What a great day it was when the war was declared over!

Before we moved to Whittier, Grandpa and Grandma Dendurent made a trip to California and some of the pictures of them in Glendora were taken at that time. They made another trip a few years later.

When I was in the 3rd grade, I was invited to attend a Good News Club for boys and girls where faithful teachers taught Bible lessons and presented opportunity for us to invite the Lord Jesus to be our saviour. My decision to receive Jesus Christ as my Saviour has shaped and blessed my life greatly.

Our Grandpa Murney was a believer in, and teacher of, the Bible. Grandma Orie Belle was church organist for many years. What a wonderful heritage!

Today my family works to earn a living. Jerry, my husband of 47 years, is a front-end mechanic and works with son Robb in his shop in Ava. Daniel, a missionary to Japan, builds houses, ski lodges, church buildings, etc. so that he and his family can preach the gospel in Japan. Jerry and Robb both preach at small rural churches. All of us enjoy serving the Lord in church, Bible clubs, and camps and are abundantly blessed in so doing.

My mother, Mary, liked to sew, read, garden and stay at home. She led a quiet and peaceable life. Aunt Madeline liked to gad as she called it. They were close sisters and we had many good times together, alternating houses for Christmas and Thanksgiving. We often met in Los Angeles at the Church of the Open Door for Sunday afternoon rallies and then ate Chinese food at China Town afterwards. What fun!

I remember one year we received a box of BIG Washington State Delicious apples from uncle Walt and his family. And best of all was when the Dendurent Round Robin letter arrived in the mail. Waleta tried to revive it some years back, but ... thanks anyway, Waleta.

>We love our Ozark acres and home; nothing fancy, but lots of trees, blue skies, creek, ponds, birds, and animals. You are welcome to come and enjoy it too! We have plenty of room.

I guess I have the distinction of being the oldest girl cousin of the Dendurent clan. Carl was the oldest boy cousin and our mom was the first born child of Murney and Orrie Belle Dendurent. I am not sure how our kids fit into this scheme of things. Robb and Ruth, early 40s; children are Sarah 21 and an RN; Robert 20, a college sophomore; Coy 18, high school senior. Daniel and Ronaele, early forties; children are Elina 15; David 14; Peter 12; and Beth 10.


Murnice Hamilton, December 1999.