The Dendurent Family Reunion 2000
Group Picture
SeeOn the deck, L-R: Robin Stock, Bryant Stock, Don Stock, Howard Dendurent, Dan Meyer, Sharon Dendurent, Hal Dendurent, Gretchen McNeely, Wendell Dendurent, David Dendurent, Mike Dendurent, Josh Holmes, Gabriel Holmes, Michelle Dendurent, Ron Kroon, Don Meyer
Row 1 down: Toni Gates, Waleta Michael, Rita Dendurent
Row 2 down: Carol Dendurent, Joyce Dendurent
Row 3 down: Dick McNeely, Margaret Meyer, Jeff Dendurent
Row 4 down: Steve Zluticky
Row 5 down: Candi Dunstan, Amanda Dendurent, Kay Zluticky, Nick Zluticky
Row 6 down: Alex Zluticky, Tyler Dunstan, Ashley Dunstan, Abigail Zluticky, Sydney Dunstan, Rebecca Zluticky, Jeff Zluticky, Elizabeth Zluticky, Julie Zluticky, Ryan Zluticky